domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

Tessellations: One more step

De un modo más formal, veamos qué es un teselado:


Como mencionamos antes, a partir de una figura plana pueden obtenerse otras distintos, utilizando para ello el criterio de conservar la superficie de la figura inicial. Si la figura inicial llena el plano (lo tesela), también lo harán las figuras obtenidas por tener su misma superficie. Observa cómo se obtiene la llamada “pajarita” presente en la Alhambra de este modo:

Investigate and explain (of course in English and step by step), how to construct the nazarí tile known as “el hueso” placed at the Alhambra, by using the “different shape, same surface” criteria. 
You must do it by using the tool  "Moovly" (animation creator).
Here you have a short video explaining how it works:


The Spanish version (longer):


Once you have finished, create a new entry on your blog and insert the presentation on your blog. It must be tagged with the words “Alhambra”, “Teselas”, “El hueso”, "Moovly"

Note: You must introduce your work with a brief explanation of what you are asked to do. Write the bibliography or resources needed. Originality and creativity will be taken into account for the final valoration of your work. 

Deadline: 31 march

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